Friday, December 11, 2009

The journey so far ...

It's Friday morning in El Paso and I am sitting at one of the computers at Jesse and Di's. I brought as little as possible with me so that I would not have to check baggage and go through that hassle at the airport, so I only brought one very small carry-on suitcase that was mostly stuffed with games and art supplies to play with the grandchildren. I'm telling you this to say that I did not bring our laptop. I really don't know how to do much with our laptop other than to power it up anyway. Grandpa Jones usually gets me all set up to use it and I'm really quite lost without him. I was thinking perhaps I could use the computers over at the Lodge once I was settled for the night, but I'm not staying at the Lodge! I'm actually over at the Annex, which is where Grandpa Jones and I stayed on our very first visit to El Paso. The Annex doesn't have any computers for public use at all.

When I left Grand Rapids Tuesday it had just started to snow. I had an uneventful trip to Detroit except that once I got near my aunt's house, I took the wrong exit (north instead of south) and was promptly LOST. I called my aunt, who then gave me the number of my cousin Wayne, who is a police officer in Allen Park, which is where she lives. My cousin arrived in his squad car and gave me a friendly police escort over to my aunt's house! Whew. I was so relieved to arrive safely. I actually wasn't supposed to go to her house until the next day, but she seemed very happy to have me come a day early. We had a great visit together. I met two family members for the first time: six-year-old Braden and almost one-year-old Angelina (Wayne's children) as well as his wife, Michelle. We enjoyed a wonderful chicken dinner Tuesday night. My aunt Jan is a great cook.

Wednesday, there was a high wind advisory all day in Detroit and I could hear the wind howling outside. It made me a little apprehensive about flying early the next morning. I called the airport and flights were coming and going without any delay, so I had Wayne draw me a very clear map to the airport from my aunt's house and I made it there without taking one wrong turn!

My flights yesterday went without incident and I arrived in El Paso shortly after 11:00 in the morning. The little kiddos welcomed me with huge smiles and many hugs when they came home from school. I had shipped Christmas presents ahead, so we were able to have an early Christmas last night. It was great to be able to see the children open their gifts. We had a fun night playing together.

Since the children are in school again today, I slept in. I've eaten lunch and now I'm just anticipating more play time and then all day tomorrow as well. I'm so thankful I was able to make this trip, even though the weather up north has made it a little bit hazardous. I talked to Grandpa Jones this morning and he said we received another eight inches of snow during the last two days ... but we were predicted to get between 8 and 16 inches! I'm not sure I will update again until I am home Sunday evening and am able to upload some beautiful pictures of everyone for you to see. Take care until then!


Anonymous said...

Have fun!

Sabrina said...

Glad you got a friendly police escort from your cousin! Have tons of fun and pass out some kisses from me.

Larry & Judy Hand said...

Just have the best time and hope
your trip home goes well. I am always taking wrong turns and getting
lost so I know how that feels. Scary. Too much snow here as far as
I'm concerned. Have to plan a good
share of the day shoveling. Plese
give big hugs and our love to all

Ruthanne said...

Have a great time, Carol! We could have driven you right to the airport - but I guess we would all have had to get up a lot earlier than you did leaving from Aunt Jan's. Glad you got to spend some time visiting with her. I laughed about Wayne giving you a police escort! - how many times have we taken wrong turns? I could feel your pain!! :) Have a wonderful Christmas with your grandchildren and a safe trip home!! Love you!