Today was cool but very beautiful here in Austin. Since Jackson and Olivia were in school, they could not come with us, but Grandpa Jones and I went with Sabrina and Karis back to Pedernales Falls where we visted last fall ... but the water conditions were completely different today. Austin has recovered from its three-year drought and the rivers and streams and lakes have all been restored to just about their normal state of affairs.
Grandpa Jones took over 500 pictures here today ... 500! I took about 150. These first 8 pictures (or so) are from my camera, but the rest are Grandpa Jones's. Doesn't it look like the photographer is right smack dab in the middle of the waterfall in that picture above? Well ... she wasn't exactly IN the waterfall, but as close as she could get!
where I am always welcome."
PSALM 71:3
"When you go through deep waters
and great trouble ...
I will be with you."
PSALM 43:2
letting them drink from your rivers of delight ..."
PSALM 36.8
We really hiked for a great deal up behind the falls and found interesting pathways ... but finally it was time to go home and make sure we were there when Jackson came home from school. We took a little rest and then drove up to Lake Travis to see the dam up there and just let the kiddos run and play. I don't have time to show you those pictures. I'll have to post a bunch of random stuff when I return to Grand Rapids. For tonight, we are finishing up our laundry, watching a little TV with the family here, and getting ready to head out to El Paso first thing, very early tomorrow morning. We'll try to keep you informed of our fun there, but don't count on many pictures. Ft. Bliss has a very antiquated internet. We'll do the best we can! Again, we are sad to leave the family here in Austin but we are looking forward to seeing some more beautiful little faces in El Paso.
Great pictures. Hope you have a good time in El Paso. Diana, Jess,and children have been having
a rough time, and can sure use the
love you bring with you. Hi to Don
and God Bless.
Hope you have lots of fun and joy in El Paso, Jesse, Diana, and the children can sure use all the love you bring with you as they have been
going through some very difficult days. Hi to Don and God Bless.
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