Friday, March 26, 2010

Grandbaby #11 has been born ...

"You guided my conception and formed me in the womb.
You clothed me with skin and flesh ...
You gave me life and showed me your
UNFAILING love ..."
JOB 10:10-11

Late yesterday afternoon, we received an e-mail from Nicolas that Rachel was in the birthing process, and Liam would soon be born. His due date was April 29 ... so almost five weeks early, he was making his arrival.

Grandpa Jones went out to his usual Thursday night get together with his train buddies, so he was out late. Our phone rang last night at about 11:45. I had been sleeping. Grandpa Jones answered and received the good news of Liam's birth. We don't have many details, but if you click on the link to The Jones Chronicle on my sidebar, you can read what Nick has written so far about the emergency C-section and what transpired. We do know that everyone is okay ~ baby Liam is being closely observed, but doing well ~ and Nick is bringing the other three children up to see their new baby brother and Rachel later on today. Nicolas says Liam has red hair ~ I wonder what Lottie will think of that?! Liam weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces ... a nice weight for such an early fellow!

Congratulations to Nick and Rachel. We send much love to all of you!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I was trying to show Jeremiah that he has a new baby cousin but do you think six month old hold still for anything? No...anyways, can't wait to see more pics!

Ruthanne said...

Congratulations! What a cute baby! And early!
I have heard of so many early babies lately. Shari thinks she may go early as she is having contractions already. Can't wait. I'll write an email soon - we haven't been keeping up enough lately. My fault - I am just too busy these days and not liking it.