sweet affection
she flies into my arms
welcoming me back into her life
we are equals
Emma and I
we tell each other the truth
I want to hear about everything
she has been doing
and thinking
and living
she has so many questions for me ...
... perhaps I love her too much
carefully she copies pictures from my art book
with chalk on her front sidewalk
her hair, soft and blond, falling on her face as she sketches
she is a young artist
temperamental and a little bit moody
she starts over again
not satisfied until her drawing is ~ just right
... I think I love her too much
we listen to songs about Jesus
she dances around the table
hands in the air
she worships with such abandon
hungry adoration
those big eyes
waiting for Him with anticipation
... it's scary to love her this much
my granddaughter is eight years old today
and I am 1600 miles away
... and I love her
... oh
... so
... much

Happy Birthday Emma!
Beauiful birthday blog. Emma is our
sweetheart too. She is just as you
described her.
Your beautiful poem brought tears to my eyes. I was just thinking about Emma, and telling Matthew about her, as we were reorganizing his bookshelf to protect his books from Nolan's recent rip-the-pages stage... We said a special prayer for a special girl, not even knowing it was her birthday...
Mmmm ... thanks for praying for her, Shelley. You would love Emma too if you could meet her ~ which it's hard to believe that you haven't! That's very sad to me.
Don't know why I came out as annony.
but that was me.
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