Lots and lots of wedding pictures ...
I've got some pictures to show you. Many more will follow because Sabrina took over 300+ pictures, and Grandpa Jones took nearly 400. The ones I'm posting tonight are from my camera only. I will have to get to the other pictures ... later! Kelly had five very good friends stand up with her: Alison (maid of honor), Alicia, Amber, Kate and Sarah! Beautiful girls. I loved their dresses, especially the color ...
... and the beautiful bow in the back ~ so simple, but so elegant and lovely.
This is Kate, Alison, and Alicia ...
Alicia helping Kelly with her lipstick ...
Kelly's beautiful flowers ...
The centerpieces in the reception hall (I loved them) were basic and simple and lovely all wrapped up together! The wood is significant because I THINK it comes from Prince Edward Island, where one of the bridesmaids (Sarah) was born and lived most of her life (imagine being BORN on Prince Edward Island!). And the flowers were gathered yesterday morning ... from fields and odd lots around town ... and then put into these lovely little vases ~ good way to keep your flower costs low, right? I thought they were beautiful. I love wild flowers!
Here is our Jackson (proud as can be to be the ring-bearer) giving Naomi (the darling flower girl) a sweet hug. Cute story about Jackson and the wedding. At the wedding rehearsal, he was told he would carry a small pillow with the wedding rings attached ... however, nobody remembered to actually GIVE him the rings OR the pillow, so as he walked down the aisle (much faster than the flower girl), he raised his small hands in the air and said, "WHERE'S THE RINGS??!!" very indignant-like!
A very happy KellyO was escorted down the aisle by her father, Patrick O'Brien ...
And her very sweet groom (I know I am prejudiced) was waiting to receive her ...It is difficult for me to comment on the wedding service itself because it was very foreign to me and many others who were there. But it wasn't about US, now was it? It was exactly how Dylan told us it would be ... how it has been done in the Greek Orthodox Church for a very very long time. So we listened and watched ... with respect and love for Dylan and Kelly.
After the ceremony, we stood in the reception line and greeted the many friends who attended the wedding. Dylan's dad (James ~ Grandpa Pahman) is standing next to Sabrina, and then Grandpa Jones ...
Uncle Adam, baby Jeremiah, and Emily were there to enjoy the occasion with us ...
I can't show you any pictures of OUR side of the family having their pictures taken because I didn't take any! But this is Kelly's immediate family. These are her parents, Julie and Patrick, her three sisters ~ Shannon, Erin and Ashley, and her only brother, Sean.
Karis was a little miffed that she wasn't the flower girl ... after ALL ... Jackson was the ring bearer! We tried to explain it to her ~ but look! Doesn't she look perfectly matched to the flower girl? Karis and Naomi were fast friends. In fact, all of the little children became friends very quickly and had such a fun time together. I loved watching their easy interaction, their uninhibited affection, their quick confidences ... WHY can't grown-ups be more like children?
A nice shot of Kelly's parents with the newlyweds ...
Ah ... here is MY great-nephew Matthew Owen (isn't that a great name?) wearing his new shirt and T-I-E ... he decidedly LOVED wearing a tie! He is such a sweetheart!
Here is Kelly and sweet Naomi ... just beautiful!
We enjoyed a really nice dinner of salads, and hummus, and breads, rice and kabobs. I love this picture of Emily ... she just has the most beautiful face ...
I think Grandpa Jones (or somebody!) grabbed my camera to get a few shots of me in my pretty dress ... this is me talking with my niece, Shelley ...
I'm not sure why I'm making this strange face ... but ... oh well!
My very dear friend, Karen, and Sabrina. It was SO wonderful to have Karen share our joy last night.
The desert table, which I failed to photograph, was full of delightful and melt-in-your-mouth yummy treats of all sizes and shapes. This dear friend (name unknown to me) baked ALL of it herself. I helped myself to a FEW treats and ... wow! She did a great job! She also made their wedding cake, which I'll show you in a bit ...
I was so glad Ruthanne and Terry were able to come and celebrate with us ...
I know this doesn't LOOK like a wedding cake ... but that's OK! It wasn't even brought out of the kitchen until all of the other deserts were gone! It was a chocolate mousse cake that was amazingly delicious! I hope Sabrina or Grandpa Jones took a picture of the desert table when it was full so I can show you later ...
This is Dylan's Uncle Dan and his dad, James ...
The bride and groom danced to Kelly's dad singing "Unchained Melody" ... very romantic ...
Dylan let everyone know they had taken dancing lessons ...
Jackson and Karis ... such cuties! They had the time of their little lives for about two hours of NONstop fun with everyone at the reception.
Our beautiful KellyO with her sweet mom ...
A nice picture of Kelly, Dylan and Kelly's folks ...
The "getaway" car ...The bride and groom "snuck" away at about 9:30 ... a few folk saw them out the door and to Dylan's car ... I felt a little choked up watching them drive away.
This is the flip side of their wedding program. It's significant because it thanks many friends who helped with the wedding, but it also acknowledges Kelly's grandmother, Beverly Joan McCullough, who is deceased. And then there was a tribute to our Jesse too:"Dylan would like to reserve this place of honor for: Jesse Christopher Pahman who is serving in the United States Army. We love and miss you and your family: Diana, Emma, Christopher, and Matthew. You are in our hearts and prayers."Very nice of you, Dylan, to remember our Jesse. I sure wish all of them could have been here for your wedding.
Wonderful pictures of a very happy
occasion. I know Jesse and Diana
appreciate that tribute on the program. I've been to some Greek
weddings and had the best times.
Bride and groom looked so beautiful.
Your dress was so pretty as were all
the ladies. Love that story about
Jackson. He took his job seriously.
Very nice dress!
And that Jackson story made me smile. He obviously wanted to make sure everybody knew it was not HIS fault that the rings were not being carried down the aisle at that moment.
As for Karis' confusion about not being flower girl, my brother and I had the reverse situation for a family wedding in which he was ringbearer but I was not participating. We have a picture of him walking down the aisle and casting a very dubious look at the girl walking next to him, and Mom always said it was like he was thinking, "Who is this girl and where is my sister?"
Oh, wow Carol! What a beautiful wedding.
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