Tuesday, March 27, 2018

My Monday morning sweetie ...

Monday, March 26:  I was asked to come and play with Aidan Paul for a few hours this morning. !! Yes, yes, YES!
We played for the first half hour and then this baby expressed the need for food ... so into his high chair he went. While Aidan ate his yummy gluten-free cereal, granola bar and cookie, I did a little bit of kitchen cleaning. Once his tummy was full, we went back to playing.
 This is the cute train table that used to be in their basement, but is now up in the living room. These tracks have been randomly placed--please do not think this is my idea of a layout (!) ... usually when I lay a track down, Aidan picks it up and chews on it for awhile--but he does seem to enjoy the concept of trains going around, much like his big brother did at this age.
Aidan is taking steps now, sometimes a half dozen in a row--then he will look around and quickly sit or kneel and then crawl to where he wants to go. But in just one week, he is doing much more walking than last week. He is SO short, though--it's so cute to see his short little body taking steps. 
 Aidan likes this little toy walker a lot. His folks picked it up for his birthday.

The expressions on this child's face! 
 I love you, baby Aidan. You are such a sweetheart.

 We did a lot of ... nothing much! Just talking and playing and looking at cool toys together.

 Aidan was beginning to look sleepy at about 11:00, so we cuddled up together in the rocking chair and I read some of his favorite books. He absolutely loves "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by E.E. Cummings. We read that one two times. And we read his Peedie book and the one about Flossie and her friend. He seemed to become quite animated during the reading, and I wondered if I had been mistaken about him being sleepy ...
 ... but then, as he was kneeling on my lap, he just laid his head on my neck and passed out! He was completely OUT for more than an hour, and I just got to enjoy his little sounds and breathing. I massaged his little head and neck, his ears and cheeks--it was wonderful. And THEN, Kelly came home and this little guy came alive in a hurry!
Baby Aidan is completely content with his mama. She is wonderful with him. How blessed they are to have each other.

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