Wednesday, March 14: David suggested we head south today and see the Sunshine Skyway Bridge! Yes! I was totally IN. This "pirate" ship was coasting along near the area where we put the boat in.
We saw a ton more crazy-big homes along the Intercoastal. Good grief! A house does not a home make ... but these sure are pretty to look at and admire. I kept saying that I hoped a dozen people lived in each one--otherwise, what on earth would you do with all that space?!!
Since I am posting these pictures a few days after the actual date, things are getting a bit fuzzy in my brain ... and each picture looks a lot like the last picture. I am not from Tampa, so the land marks don't help me one single bit.
Let me just say that every minute on the water was PURE JOY.
Anywhere near the bridges was a NO WAKE ZONE that is enforced quite strictly. We obeyed each and every one. I was hoping I would get to see one of these cool bridges open for a large boat ... but not one opened up in our sight today!
Below is the Sunshine Skyway Bridge ...
It is a very pretty sight. The original bridge was completed in September 1954 and it didn't really look anything like this one does.
The bridge spans Tampa Bay. It is 21,877 feet long (4.14 miles) and it is a part of I-275 that crosses Florida.
The wind was pretty stiff Wednesday. It doesn't show very well, but the swells were about 3 feet, which really isn't a big height, but in a 19 foot boat, that is just about as high as you want your waves to get!
I believe this land and flag is at Fort DeSoto. I can't remember any of the history of that place, but perhaps I will Google it later and put in a few comments ... or perhaps not!
We had seen dolphins on and off throughout the day, but those guys are pretty elusive. We saw TWO baby dolphin (so cute) but they were way too fast for me to catch a photo.
This one lone dolphin I finally caught! Not the best picture in the world, but at least I caught part of him!
I cannot remember what we did Wednesday night! We got home in time for dinner but I don't have a clue what we did afterwards. Oh! Now I remember! David and I went to AT & T first to get my phone thing straightened out and spent a rather LONG hour there, which made dinner late and then we just hung out and retired early.
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