Friday, April 3, 2020

April 2 ... more

Thursday @ the new pedestrian bridge:  I just have to say that I had seen ONE picture of this bridge on Facebook I think--and it wasn't a great picture--but I love bridges, so I was curious to find it. I had NO idea of how GREAT this bridge actually is until ... I was there!
 The above picture is a wetland area and the spring peepers were ... AMAZING to listen to! Delightful! And you could see them swimming and poking their heads up. I couldn't actually photograph them because my zoom (and my photography expertise) isn't that great. You'll just have to trust me when I tell you that the SOUND and sight were amazing.
 SO  ...   THIS is the bridge. It is a TRUSS bridge and it spans something like 635' across a very wide area of the Grand River. This is what bridges SHOULD look like ... just sayin.
 The views are great from up here--again, it's a colorless time of year ... I can't wait to see it when everything is in bloom.

 See this little island (below)? This is kind of midway across the river. They are going to make a stairway that leads down to the island so that people can explore it! There is a lot of flooding right now, but eventually, it will recede and ... won't it be such fun to go down there and explore?
 This darling turtle was enjoying the sunshine ...

 Isn't this just the coolest bridge EVER?

The actual name of the place is: Grand River Riverfront Park. This bridge joins two parks together. The side we didn't park on has a playground and facilities, soccer fields, picnic tables, etc. What a great place to bring kiddos!

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