Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 24

Friday:  It's been five weeks since these kiddos have been to my house. We were all pretty excited to have it happen too. It was a lot like a three-ringed circus for almost five hours, but the kids seemed to have a happy time here and I was so thankful. 
 Aidan immediately wanted to play trains, and he and Brendan managed to "share" tracks and trains pretty decently, with only a few referee calls from grandma. I'm so glad I have these trains for everyone to play with. Erin is getting more and more pleasure from them too, although mostly she just walks right on through the layout, taking track and trains with her ...
Erin was hungry before the other kids were, so I sat her in our little high chair and gave her some yummy snacks. She was pretty intently watching Matey as she enjoyed her snacks.
 Matey likes Erin a lot and comes very close to her. She really likes it when he does, although it's a little bit daunting when he kisses repeatedly. She did very well though.
 Matey also got in on the snacks ...
 Erin is very pleased to be around animals--Kelly says she loves them all! Animals know this about people!
 Look at them kissing! How sweet! I know one little person who would NOT allow this whatsoever!

 The train building and playing went on for a long time. 

 Erin enjoys my desk chair. She likes to spin "round and round" super fast.
 I got out some LEGOs for Brendan, some sets that were already built that I keep high up on a shelf so that little kiddos don't take them all apart. But Aidan wanted to see the LEGO treehouse very badly, and I will say that he played very carefully and didn't take apart anything! Good job, Aidan.

 Little Miss Erin was intrigued with Matey's seeds and kept getting her little fingers in his food dish to sample ... she didn't eat any--she just liked messing with it.

 We had a very nice afternoon together. This is Brendan's Pokeman puzzle that he is working on. We've had it here for the longest time without ever getting serious about it.

 Finally, at about 3:30 we tuned into Disney+ and watched Frozen 2. I popped some movie theatre popcorn (extra butter) and the kids just rested and watched. Meanwhile, I washed a sink load of dishes and put a few things away.

We left my house at about 4:45 to return the kiddos home. Both Erin and Aidan were so tired, they immediately fell asleep on the drive home. #4 baby is due in just about two weeks. I hope to give Dylan and Kelly more relief before the baby is born and then much more afterwards. I'm hoping the weather warms up and the "stay home" restrictions lift enough to be able to enjoy some playgrounds.

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