Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June 1 A few pictures at THEIR house

Tuesday:  Baby Callaghan, who is now officially ONE, has never been to my house. It's embarrassing to admit that--but it's true. I see him every week when I pick up and drop off the other children--but he has never visited my house. That will probably soon change--but I have a difficult time picturing taking care of all FOUR of them at once. To be sure, Cal is a real sweetie--and the other kiddos love him to pieces. But three non-pottied kiddos at one time is a bit much for me!

When I dropped off the other kids today, I stayed and played awhile at their house--outside and inside. It is always fun to do that when the weather is nice enough to play outside. They always want to show me all of their cool summer/outdoor toys.
Aidan behind a wheel ... can't you just see him some day at the wheel of a car?

Erin keeps right up with Aidan ... actually, HE has a difficult time keeping up with HER!

I can't think when the last time was that I posted a picture of Kelly! Cal is quite fond of her (!!). She is the nicest of moms!

Kelly has turned the water table into kind of a sand table ... but the kids ADD water on top of the sand ... so it's kind of a MUD table. No harm. They love playing with all of it and have so much fun.
Cal is beginning to call the kiddos by their names--rather crudely, but definitely distinguishable. Aidan really gets a bang out of the baby.
That's a lot of pictures for one day! We had so much fun today, and I am so thankful for every single minute of it.

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