Saturday, January 14, 2023

January 12 with Kaity

Thursday:  I picked Kaity up from Jesse somewhat late today. I wanted to give her time after school to be with her best friend ... only to find out that her friend couldn't "play" today when I didn't show up until 4:45. Sigh. Kaity was "down" today--something about a disagreement she had with her on-line friend from Canada. We talked about it for awhile, and thankfully she cheered up a bit.

We had a rather unfortunate driving incident on the way over here tonight. I don't think I have ever made a stupider driving move in all my life. Totally my fault. I'm SO thankful we did not get hit or hit anyone in the fiasco. We were at the red light at W. River Drive and Northland where there are FOUR lanes. Two lanes turn left, the middle lane (ours) goes straight, and the right lane turns right. The two left lanes got their green arrow to GO and when they started moving, I just moved too--right into the intersection where cars coming toward us from across Northland were trying to turn ... but I was smack in the middle of the intersection. No one even honked. Shocking. I was SO embarrassed. Yikes. I hope I never made such a stupid mistake again. Kaity was a bit scared, and I don't blame her. I apologized many times!

We didn't do anything special or out of the ordinary at my house today--just played foosball, fooled around with our puppets, ate dinner ... that kind of thing.

Kaity is really good with puppets. She knows how to manipulate "Charlie" quite well. She can make him walk, dance, sit -- and it cracks us up.

Charlie's kind of goofy looking, and we can't decide what kind of bird he actually IS ... but that's okay. He's BIG. He's PURPLE. He's CHARLIE.

When Kaity was much smaller (three years ago!) she used to like to hide in my wall closet. She fit in there SO easily. Look at her now!
This prompted us to once again get out our measuring tape and see just how tall our Kaity-Girl is!
Kaity is exactly 60"! Wow. She's grown an inch since June. 
I neglected to snap a picture of us playing foosball. Kaity won (naturally).

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