a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering.
<< Like one from whom men hide their faces >>
He was despised
and we esteemed him not.
He took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows.
Yet we esteemed him stricken by God
smitten by Him
and afflicted.
He was crushed for our iniquities.
The punishment that brought us PEACE
was upon Him,
and by His wounds we are healed.
ISAIAH 53.3-5
"On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross
the emblem of suffering and shame;
and I love that old cross
where the dearest and best
for a world of lost sinners was slain."
(George Bennard)
"On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross
the emblem of suffering and shame;
and I love that old cross
where the dearest and best
for a world of lost sinners was slain."
(George Bennard)
After taking Adam to the airport this evening, Grandpa Jones and I went to Calvary's Good Friday service. There we remembered the cross of Christ and all that was accomplished there. Sin completely paid for and forgiven. The greatest gift of love ever given. And so tonight, I am thankful for the awesome grace that brought salvation to ... anyone who believes!
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