Yesterday, Day 12 of our fall trip to Texas, was our first full day in Austin. We are going to be here until next Monday morning ... so we will have lots and lots of pictures to show you of the Rauch grandchildren in the following days. This picture is pretty Karis Danielle, all ready for church. Hill Country Bible Church is where we worshipped ... specifically, Hill Country Bible Church in Dripping Springs. A year ago, we were visiting on its very first Sunday being a church! They have had a fruitful year and next week are moving into a more permanent facility, instead of being in a school building. And we will be there to visit on the very first Sunday in that facility!Worship was wonderful yesterday. The music was ... beautiful ... and worshipful ... and centered on our very awesome God. The teaching was a continuation of a series they have been doing on God's Word telling God's story of God's kingdom and how WE have been invited to be part of it. We briefly turned to Hebrews 4 and read: "For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are. Nothing in all creation can hide from him. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done." I also appreciate the pastor's emphasis on "life between Sundays" ... in other words, living for God isn't just a Sunday thing!
After church, we went home and ate a yummy pork chop dinner that Sabrina cooked up and then we just relaxed and rested ...
Jackson was on a T-ball team this summer season. He wanted me to see the team trophy. We got to see him play a game back in the early spring last year ...
Before nap time, everyone got in a game of ... BALL ~ whether it was baseball, soccer, football or just a complete free-for-all, I wasn't quite sure!
But Jackson and Karis put every single muscle of their bodies into ... WINNING ... whatever game it was that was being played. These two are quite competitive!
We had a couple of very serious nappers around here yesterday ...
But after naptime, Grandpa and I were surprised to learn that it was actually GRANDPARENTS DAY ... wow ... and we actually were with some grandchildren! Thank-you, Hallmark Cards!
So we scrambled and put together some yummy snacky type foods for a relaxing dinner and look at our great cookie/cake!
The next few days we are embarking on kind of a grandparent adventure ... I guess you could call it that! Sabrina and Andrew are leaving town for a much-longed-for vacation together ... ALONE. They are going on a cruise out of Galveston and will not return until Saturday. So grandpa and I are ... in charge! I'll be sure to tell you all about how this little adventure, or mis-adventure turns out! I think everything will be just fine. Children are hardest on their own parents. Grandparents can always say, "We're TOO old" and use that for an excuse whenever we are too pooped to participate in an activity ... right?!
1 comment:
Everyone looks great. All the children are so cute. Have fun the
rest of the week and good luck.
Hope Sabrina and Andrew have a nice
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