So what did lonely grandpa and grandma do all day without kiddos?!! We crashed, napped, read good books, planned dinner, etc. It was a very restful day! :)
We picked Karis up from preschool, where her teacher noted that she was very tired during nap time but she did NOT go to sleep. She had a little snack here at home before we walked on down to the bus stop to pick up Jackson.
It is difficult to describe the afternoon heat in Texas. Even in mid-September, it us almost overwhelming. This from someone who LOVES it hot! Karis brought Minnie and Mickie to the bus stop to greet Jackson today.

We waited and waited this afternoon for Jackson's bus ... it seemed to be a little late today.
I had Karis run down to the end of the grassy area and peak around the corner. Yes! The bus was coming!
As usual, Jackson was the very first one OFF the bus, running full speed ahead. The heat doesn't seem to affect the children one single bit.

While I was preparing dinner, grandpa played puzzles with the kiddos. We also listened as Jackson read a chapter from his school reading book to us, practiced his spelling words, and read his phonics to us.
After dinner, the little kids played outside. Oh ... Olivia came home from school at 5:00 and was able to join us for dinner today. We didn't take any pictures of her, though. She is presently sitting across the table from me, studying for her AP history exam tomorrow. We've really enjoyed her company tonight ~ but we don't want to annoy her with our cameras, so ... we aren't! I'll try to see if tomorrow I can sneak a picture or two in of her.
For awhile, the little kids and I played "restaurant" in their backyard. We would drive our pretend cars up to the window and order our fast food. Karis was the chef at first. She would pull some grass up and place it into our hands whenever we ordered a burger and fries. We paid the money for our food using whatever we could find to give her!
Jackson went upstairs for awihle and pretended to be the supplier of the food.
Karis grabbed her pink bucket and was pretending there were flowers inside. She was throwing the "flowers" up and down the patio saying: "I really really wanted to be the flower girl when Jackson was the ring bearer, grandma." So we pretended she was a REAL flower girl at a REAL wedding and she was quite happy!
I'm not sure what Jackson was doing with his bucket and rope ... something about hoisting materials up for his construction project.
Tomorrow morning, we hope to take Karis to the Austin Zoo. It's a unique experience (for us) to have a one-on-one with a grandchild. We have never ever been to a zoo with less than THREE grandchildren at once! I'll show you pictures of our time together, hopefully tomorrow!
The evening went by really fast. Soon, it was time again for baths. And then we read a TON of stories together before getting tucked into bed.
Tomorrow morning, we hope to take Karis to the Austin Zoo. It's a unique experience (for us) to have a one-on-one with a grandchild. We have never ever been to a zoo with less than THREE grandchildren at once! I'll show you pictures of our time together, hopefully tomorrow!
1 comment:
What fun and great pictures.
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