We saw LIONS and TIGERS and BEARS ...
We took a whole bunch of animal pictures. One of these days, I am really going to have to get serious about making an animal alphabet book ...

Grandpa Jones used his super zoom on this tiger ... it almost feels like he is in the cage with him!
I think this is a Marmoset (above).

Karis was completely UNimpressed with any of the animals that she could NOT feed. The goats were her favorite. There were many different areas with goats and she was very careful with her pellets ...
See her happy little face?

The last time grandpa and I were at the Austin Zoo was ... the fall of 2007. Karis wasn't even two! They were just beginning to lay the tracks for the zoo train back then and today we got to ride it!

Karis was very pleased to ride the zoo train with us!
We stopped by the zoo gift shop on our way out of the zoo and purchased some little animal rings for all of the grandchildren!
We even purchased one for Olivia, even though we knew they were only for little kids ... but she got a kick out of picking out a ring from the pile ... and did her usual NONpose for the camera ...
But then I asked if I couldn't just pretty please see her face ...
We did all of the usual afterschool stuff. After dinner, Karis and Jackson painted some nice pictures. We read a ton of good stories together ... and everyone is tucked in for the night. Olivia's homework is all done and we had a good time chatting with her tonight. Tomorrow, Karis is back at preschool for the day. We have been invited over to a neighbor's house for "tea" in the late morning and have several errands to run. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow night ...
Looks like a very fun day. I like the blue-and-gold macaw feather stuck in the tree. And the pictures of Karis having so much fun with the goats. :)
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