Friday, February 1, 2019

A wonderfully winter February 1

Friday, February 1:  We've been under a polar vortex here since mid-Tuesday (I think) ... but today, it finally left us, and the temps climbed into the mid-teens by around noon. I decided to venture on over to Seidman Park (Ada) and take a little winter walk.

 You see, the SUN WAS SHINING !! miracle of miracles! I can never resist a winter walk when the shadows are out.

 I was quite happy out here for about 40 minutes ... but it was still a little too cold to venture into the deep woods ...

 I stayed near the creek so that I would NOT get lost ...

 I like these pictures and I'm glad I was out to take them!

 I like these next three very much, even though there is no creek or bridge ... they are just SO white!

 There is NO ONE LIKE OUR GOD who can duplicate this beauty ...

 Pretty, pretty, pretty!

So glad there is another 6+ weeks of this beautiful stuff to photograph ...

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