Kaity's been pretty obsessed with playing Hide 'N Seek when she comes over, but I talked her into putting together our new puzzle first. She practically did the whole puzzle herself ...
but then it was time for ME to hide baby Moses and Hildy, and when it was Kaity's turn to hide, she hid her "puppy". We played this for a very long time! Kaity absolutely loves this game, and I have no idea WHY. It's okay, though, because I love to see her this happy.
Kaity thinks of all kinds of very good hiding places. She found such a good one tonight that I finally had to give up and have her tell me where in this house she had hidden puppy! She was pretty excited that she finally found a place that I couldn't figure out!
Since it was Valentine's Day,Kaity's backpack was FULL of Valentine's from her classmates. And do you know what? She could tell me who each card was from! All of the children had written Kaity's name as the TO person and their own names as the FROM person. None of the writing was super clear, but Kaity could read every single name ... like Maleigh, Jason, Will, Mayla, Nicholas, etc. I was SO glad to see that she could read her classmates' names! I kept clapping every time she read a name and she was so amused at my joy.
We also play a game in the car that I am really enjoying. We take turns asking each other questions like: "Do you like the snow?" And we will answer: "Y-E-S" or "N-O"! So we are learning a LOT about each other through this little game! Kaity asks very good questions! She is a delightful little granddaughter and I love her TONS.
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