Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Our last day at the lodge ...

Wednesday, February 6:  These pictures are a little bit out of order ... hmmm ... well, anyway ... on our last day at the Lodge, we honed in on doing the "quest" which is actually a virtual video game that the kids play with their magic wands all through the hallways of GWL. Brendan and I actually completed THREE quests together, Dylan accomplished some other quests, and Kelly saw to it that Brendan was able to FINISH and fight the dragon at last! Much of this quest stuff was a bit out of my understanding--to remind you, I've never once gotten off the first screen while playing Mario without being dumped into the ravine and the game abruptly ends.
 Anyway, Brendan was super into the game and he was a real trooper. The "wand" he had from last year somehow came up missing and we were sad about it; but the package that his folks had purchased for his birthday at the Lodge included another wand. So the first night we were there, we went to the wand store and Brendan picked out a nice BLUE wand and then I bought him a WOLF topper for it. The clerk at the wand store was SO nice and she gave the wolf topper special powers even though it didn't come with any (whatever in the world THAT means). 
 I've posted a few more pictures of the inside of the lodge, again neglecting the water park (!!). The picture above is engraved wood and it is amazingly beautiful. There were quite a few of these in the lodge.
 The picture above shows the clock and the talking trees that come alive during story times ...
 These pictures of Wiley Wolf are actually from Tuesday night when he surprised us with milk and cookies especially because of Brendan's birthday. 

 We left the lodge somewhere around 2:30 Wednesday afternoon to drive back to Grand Rapids. Brendan was with me because we wanted to stop by my house to see if his gifts EVER arrived from Amazon! We stopped to eat at Culver's and a few minutes later, DJ and Kelly and the babies showed up too! It was fun to all eat together. Culver's is one of my favorite places. 
 These pictures show the glittery tattoo Brendan got (as part of the package purchased by his folks). He chose the Great Wolf Lodge logo and was very proud of it.
Brendan and I played a game of "Rooster Race" and inspected his very own light-up terrarium (not pictured), and then we drove back to his house. What a wonderful seventh birthday celebration for my Little Fellow!

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