Sunday, March 31, 2019

Closing out the month ...

Saturday, March 30:  I picked up these two dear girls at 3:30 Saturday afternoon. The boys were invited too, but they declined! We headed over to The Movies @ Woodland to see "A Dog's Way Home." It was a nice little movie about a dear dog named Bella and how it gets lost and found, and then lost again, and then home again after 2.5 years--and all kinds of adventures in between. We shared some popcorn and the snacks I had brought, and actually made it all the way through the movie without having to leave for Kaity to use the bathroom! 

We ate our main meal here afterwards. And then we played for a little while with Kaity. Emma had brought some make-up homework that she has been working on with Kaity. Here Emma is instructing Kaity on some of her language arts lessons. This was so cool to listen to and to watch. I'm so glad Emma cares enough about Kaity to be such a good helper to her.

 These girls actually worked quite hard on this school work, and gave me opportunity to clean up the kitchen. But then it was time to PLAY. So Kaity chose to do some balloon fun. Emma played too, for awhile, but then she took to making short videos of Kaity and I cracking up. It was a lot of fun to laugh and play with these dear granddaughters.
We took Kaitlynn home at about 8:30 and then Emma and I returned here. Emma spent the night. We watched one of our favorite movies, "The Help" and laughed in all of the same places we usually do ... but it's such a good story, and both of us love the people in it. We were in bed sometime after midnight, and morning came too early!

Sunday, March 31:  We went to second service to worship this morning. It is always wonderful to have Emma with me at church. I love her so much, and I want her to come regularly so that she can sing praises and study and learn more about Jesus every week. It was such a good time of worship. Tom was teaching about FEAR from Isaiah 41 and especially verse 10:  "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  This is the very verse that my brother, Kevin, found so special and one that he sent to me so many years ago. God is with us--Immanuel! Jesus has promised never to leave or forsake us! This is SUCH GOOD NEWS. Help us to believe it, Lord, and to LIVE in Your presence every day.

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