Friday, April 12, 2019


Wednesday, April 10:  Happy Birthday, Matthew! Today is my second oldest grandson's fourteenth birthday, which is no small deal. Fourteen is ... like yesterday to me ... except 51 years later. I remember fourteen well ... and not many memories that I like to think about very much. But this is NOT about me! Goodness! It's about MATTHEW JOHN.
 You've grown up a lot this year, Matthew! Everyone who sees pictures that I post of you on FB comment on how handsome you are. And YOU ARE!
 You come over less and less often now that you are growing up--and that is just as expected, especially with grandsons, and especially when there is not a grandpa to spend time with over here--there is only me. Now and then, however, you do come over. I'm always very glad when you do.
 Sometimes you are kind enough to "entertain" your younger sister.
 Other times, you even consent to go on long walks in the woods with us--which is by far my favorite thing to do with any of you guys. I love to watch you come alive out in the great outdoors--and I think God speaks to us out there in ways that we can't deny.
 I like this picture of you in your football uniform. You hung in there all season, Matthew--good job.
 Remember the fun we had over at the mall that afternoon when you jumped on that contraption? You went super high!
 And I loved how you found your dad's cousins' book and moved it to a more prominent shelf at Barnes and Nobles.
 Oh Lord--please take Matthew and bring him close to You. Call his name! Help him to hear You and answer. Help Matthew to seek Your face and find it ... no matter what. Please show him how You want him to live. I pray Your Word would be powerful in his life, so that he will follow after You always, forsaking sin and calling on Your Name.
 Thank you for Matthew, Lord. Thank you that I get to be his grandma. Give me wisdom to know how to encourage him to be the young man You want him to be. Thank you for giving him a sensitive heart. Please protect him from all evil.
I love you, Matthew! Happy Birthday!

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