Wednesday, August 11, 2021

August 11 WIND

Wednesday:  When I went to bed last night at about 10PM a predicted storm had arrived. Lots of wind and hard rain. The wind was the scariest thing about it because it was so random and LOUD. I was just about asleep when I lost all power here, so in spite of how completely HOT it was--I now had NO fans to move the sticky heat around. Sigh. Thankfully, I had taken a refreshing shower before jumping in bed--so I just lay very still and soon fell asleep. The power went back on at 2:30 AM--YES! Much of West Michigan is still without power--and it is 5PM now!

This is what the wind did to one of my deck planters!

There was black potting soil all over my deck and ... my plants were rather upended! I found this out at 5:30 am when Emma called to tell me she was in need of me to unlock my front door so that she could spend the night (unexpectedly). The reason for her arrival is private and sad--so I will not disclose it here.

But please, Lord--will you answer our prayer? Will you please provide a safe place for Emma to live--and can it be very soon? We kind of feel like the very wind has been knocked out of us ...

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