Friday, August 20, 2021

August 19 Emma's Canon

THURSday:  This "post" is a culmination of several different days' events. First, last Sunday (late afternoon) Emma and I went to Best Buy where she purchased a really good camera for herself. Yay, Emma! She has been waiting for this for a very long time. The two salespeople at Best Buy were super helpful. Emma ended up getting a really nice LENS Sunday--the best camera, however, had to be ordered. It was promised to arrive on Tuesday the 17th. BUT it arrived Monday--exactly on her birthday! 

Also, the camera cases at Best Buy were SO expensive, so we came home here and Emma ordered a super nice one via Amazon. It arrived Wednesday (I think). 
So yesterday when Emma had time, she examined all three items and got acquainted with them!

I think she is really going to love this camera. It's a far fancier version of the one I have--far more technical--but Emma seems "up" for the challenge.

We are going to get up super early Saturday morning and walk the train tracks in Comstock. Emma says the deer are very active at about 6AM and we'd like to try to photograph them. I've never actually gotten a GOOD picture of a deer, so I'm pretty excited about this.

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