Thursday, April 13, 2023

April 11 Strength for each day

Tuesday:  Of all the days in my week, this one is the most stressful. Why, you ask? Well, mostly it's because I doubt that I can "pull it off", meaning I lack the confidence to "entertain" my dear grandchildren most of the day without ... running out of patience ... or becoming overwhelmed with chaos ... or just feeling every single one of my 69+ years! 

I remind myself that TUESDAY is the perfect day to empty myself completely OUT and give myself 100% to the needs of some very small, very cute, super interesting, extremely FUN, but also ... sometimes high energy, always talking at once (to me!), and one or more of them being oppositional. It's a good day to RELY on strength that is NOT MY OWN.

Every single Tuesday, the Lord helps me slow down, listen, pay attention to, accommodate, serve, PRAY, and attend to sometimes overwhelming situations. I am very thankful for this special day that He uses to stretch my faith a little farther, depend upon Him greater, and seek His wisdom. He has not let me down a single time. I will admit, though, to being really really EXHAUSTED at the end of some Tuesdays; but not always. As I look back on our day together, I can laugh at some of the funny things they've said, remember a warm hug or two given by a small child, and give thanks for the gift of grandchildren.

Cal got his hair cut between last Tuesday and this one. He looks like a little DUDE.

Kelly put Erin's hair in this darling "updo" and Erin was VERY pleased about it. Erin is quite a girly-girl, and I just love that she is!
Cal had a lot of fun playing with the treehouse today. He was not at all interested in sharing it with his sister; and finally, poor Erin gave up and turned to other activities. Erin is usually able to find something else interesting to do. If she really truly wants to play with something, though, she will put up an impressive fight ...
Erin was also super pleased with her new skirt today. She was so excited to show it to me.

Brendan had run a temperature last night, so he had to be kept home from school today; however, his temperature was normal now, so he came over and just quietly hung out with the rest of us. I'm always glad for the opportunity to spend time with Brendan. I could still just about eat him up ... because I love the sweetness of his spirit.
We returned back to their house a little after 4:00. Dylan was working from home today, and Aidan got off the bus a little after 4 o'clock; so while Dylan continued to work, we just played together right at their house. It worked out just fine. Since I had been sick four days last week (with strep throat), I was a little bit weary; so I didn't stay much past 6:30 tonight. I was very thankful for the strength God gave me for this day.

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