Friday, August 14, 2009

Endless glory!

I am presently reading Lilith, a novel by George MacDonald, and just this morning read the following: “... God created me ~ not out of Nothing, as say the unwise, but out of His own endless glory …” [Lilith, pg. 147 (Eerdmans 2000)]. I stopped at that phrase, “out of His own endless glory” and felt overwhelmingly thankful.

The subject of creation versus evolution has always fascinated me. I firmly believe that God is the Creator of everything … “God made the earth by His power and He preserves it by His wisdom. He has stretched out the heavens by His understanding … He is the Creator of everything that exists … the LORD Almighty is His name!” (Jeremiah 10.12 and 16). Wow. What a great passage of Scripture. What wonderful truth it proclaims!

Ruthanne and I talked about this while up north just a few days ago. I told her that I remembered arguing the origin of life with my tenth grade biology teacher … him with all of his college training, a complete atheist, and rather antagonistic to my Christianity, which he referred to as a “crutch.” I told this teacher that having a Creator gives me dignity: I was not an accident. I did not come out of nowhere, from a dark impersonal hole in the universe! Being 15 at the time, I vehemently denied that I believed in God because I “needed” Him. But being far older now, I like the picture of God being a “crutch.” Definitely! God is my crutch. And I thank Him for it! I’m not one bit ashamed to admit my need of Him! I can lean on Him completely and continue to walk with Him without falling. I’m thinking my son, Jesse, can relate to the use of crutches right now and his dependence upon them, following his knee surgery yesterday!

“So God created people in His own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27) We have such incredible value, such worth, being His children. We can trust Him as Father. Our relationship with Him is total dependence for every breath we take, every day of our lives! I am made in His image, patterned after “His own endless glory.” I will never get tired of thinking about that! And hopefully meditating on that truth will cause me to imitate Christ ...

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