Friday, August 16, 2019


Thursday, August 15:  I picked dear Brendan up today from sailing at noon. On his sailing certificate this week, it said he had been promoted from Opti 1 to Opti 1/Opti Mix! Good job, Brendan! It's not quite Opti 2, but perhaps it's Opti 1.5! I gave him an exhuberant High-5! We ate lunch over at my house and played trains for a little while.
Brendan was impressed with my making of "Turtle Island" where Terry and Tessa live (my two tiny shell turtles) and decided to make a turtle of his own. He designed a very interesting "bead" turtle, which took quite awhile to make! Brendan was pleased with the result. It was delightful watching him pick out just the right beads and change them up as his imagination drummed up different images.  
 We also spent a great deal of time talking about Hermit crabs, due to the fact that I have a library book checked out: "Pet Care for Kids: HERMIT CRABS." We read every page of this interesting book, checked out all of the pictures, and Brendan declared that I should go immediatley to Petco and purchase my very own Hermit crab for a pet! I told him I would seriously consider it, especially since I have SO MANY shells hanging about my Beach House. They would be perfect to use for an aquarium to house my very own crab, wouldn't they?
 We spent the greater part of an hour looking at each of my shells. Brendan took a look at each shell and divided them up between ones a Hermit crab might like to inhabit, and other shells that would be "good for decorating an aquarium." It was relaxing and fun to just talk about all of the interesting shells with this beautiful boy. We had cookies and milk before our afternoon was over. Brendan requested I get my markers out so that he could color a whirly bird (from my paper airplane book). 
 I was needed at Brendan's place for a few hours since Dylan and Kelly had an appointment meeting to attend. I played with these cute babies, fed them, changed them, chased them, laughed with them ...

 ... they were good medicine for me today ... little loves.

I am super thankful to be a grandma. Today, the blessings came in THREES.

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