Friday, August 30, 2019

I love you, Kaity

Thursday, August 29:  When I picked Kaity up at her house today (she'd had a 1/2 day of school), she immediately asked if we could go to her school playground to play for awhile. She said one of her classmates was going to be there and she wanted to show him how to do a particular monkeybar, because he was struggling with it. 
 The playground was essentially empty of children when we arrived, and Kaity's friend never showed up while we were there--but then I was not surprised since they had not arranged a particular time. Kaity was a little out of sorts today, a little more high-strung than usual, and not a little snippy!
 She spun herself on this apparatus for so long, that just watching her spin made ME dizzy--I had to look away!

 Kaity is an expert monkey, truly she is!
 Baby Jo-Jo was with us too ... but Kaity was not kind to Jo-Jo today like she usually is. Like I said, Kaity was not quite her usual self. My heart was sad for her.
 We came home to my place and I suggested that Kaity build a track while I fixed lunch for us. She got going right away and did a completely wonderful job of it too. She was anxious to test out her "Lady" battery-powered engine.

 Kaity is an excellent builder of just about everything. She has a very good mind and brain. She has a lot of super good ideas, too. I love watching her play.

 Kaity kept adding toys to her train world. She brought out her little horse, "Nico" and set him up by the tracks, and she got out the wooden blocks for me to make a store for the train people to shop at. I don't have any pictures of my finished store for you to see ... it wasn't much to photograph actually--but Kaity liked it just fine.

Kaity helped me hang two mirrors that I got for Matey's cage, as well as a nice ladder and a swing! She's super excited for me to have a pet. Me too, Kaity!

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