Friday, August 16, 2019


Friday, August 16:  Today marks Emma's 17th birthday. All I can say is ... these 17 years have been like a blink as far as how quickly time has gone from Emma being an infant to her now being a young woman. I love this dear granddaughter deeply ... but God loved her first, and He loves her supremely. I am praying for God's path, God's road, God's truth, God's salvation, God's HOPE to be her life this year.
 This is the card I made for Emma's birthday. The pictures are from Grand Haven, on a warming (but still very cold) April evening on the lakeshore ... waiting for the sunset. Our patience was rewarded by this beautiful sight. It is a memory I cherish very much.
 This passage from Romans is precious to me, and has been for a long time. I put it on Emma's card because I want her to remember and truly ponder God's special and eternal love for her. There isn't anything on this earth (or outside of it, or under it) that can ever take His love away from us. We cannot ever be divorced from HIM WHO DIED FOR US.

We celebrated Emma's birthday today for a little while over at Richmond Park. I didn't take many pictures of Emma--most of them are of Kaity. Emma and I swam together and just hung out. It meant a lot to me to be with you today, Emma! I have been a grandma for as long as you have been born ... such a special gift that God has given us to each other for all of these years.

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P.S.    Today is September 10, 2019.  I was just looking through some old journals and ran across this entry that never got recorded in my blog from way back in 2011 (a very rough year):

August 18, 2011:  It was my Emma's birthday yesterday. I got to hear her sweet voice--how can I describe my JOY at hearing her? She told me about her new Pink Army backpack for school and said she can't wait to show it to me when I come to see her. 
Emma:  "What are you bringing with you when you come, Grandma?"  Me:  "For your birthday, Ems?"  Emma:  "Yes! Did you get the ballerina music jewelry box?"  Me:  "Oh Emma--I cannot tell you! It's a secret!"  Emma:  "I think you did, Grandma, and I can tell that you are smiling right now real big!"  Me:  (Laughing) "I AM smiling, Emma!"  Emma:  "So--you got it?"  Me:  "I'll never tell!!"  Emma:  "My birthday party is this Saturday, and then I'll have another party when you come."  Me:  "Did you get my card, sweetie?"  Emma:  "Yes. But I can't open it until Saturday."

I love that I found this journal entry. I remember that phone call so vividly too--because I rarely got to speak to the grandchildren via phone when they were in El Paso. Anyway, I just had to add this in today before I forget!

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