Tuesday, September 10, 2019

This cutie

Monday, September 9:  I LOVE Monday's, don't you? But I have a special reason for loving Monday's--because Monday's are AIDAN days! 
Mr. Aidan is a real fan of my little trains. I have a combination of used stuff--both from Thomas the Train brands, Melissa and Doug (I think), as well as brand new BRIO stuff (well worth the $$ spent). Believe it or not, I do not even own a Thomas the Tank Engine (but I ordered one especially for Aidan this morning via Amazon). Aidan loves Thomas the Train.
 Outside of the fact that Aidan runs to my stuffed animals bin (from The Secret Life of Pets) and grabs out MAX to hug first thing, the second thing that always follows is TRAINS! TRAINS! I keep all of my track and equipment in a nice plastic bin underneath the dining room table (odd, I know--but this is a small place!). Aidan will yank out the entire bin and get started on a layout immediately. To be honest, I do most of the building of the layout, but he is directing me along the way with his ideas. I love to play with this child.
 And this week, believe it or not, Aidan ate all of the cheesy noodles in his bowl! Yes! Good job, Aidan!
 But then he was right back to the trains. He has SO MUCH FUN and I am SO glad about that.
 In between running his trains, Aidan runs back and forth to the playroom to pick out a car or a truck (he calls all trucks garbage trucks) to bring them out to the train layout. 
 AND, Aidan is really enjoying Mr. Matey too. He'll climb up on a chair and chat with him for awhile too.

 Sweetheart little Aidan ... such a dear little soul he is.

 I'm thankful every time I am with this little person that I get to be his grandma. This grandma business is pretty incredible. 
My grandma heart was happy being with you today, dear Aidan-boy.

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