Friday, October 11, 2019

The Children's Museum and more ...

Thursday, October 10:  Kaity has been asking to go downtown to the Children's Museum the last few weeks; however, our weather has been SO beautiful recently, that we've gone to outdoor playgrounds instead. Yesterday was also a gorgeous day--but Kaity and I went downtown anyway.
 They've put a bunch of "new" stuff in here in the last little while. I'm glad to see it! Dinosaurs are not really Kaity's "thing" so she moved on quite quickly to find stuff she enjoyed doing ...

 ... we did try our hands at digging out some fossils and dinosaurs from the pit here ...

 We went upstairs where the bubbles ALWAYS are. Thankfully, it was not at all crowded during the time we were there, so Kaity practically had all of the bubbles to herself.

 Our time was fairly near up. Kaity reminded me that it was her baby Lily's birthday today (I have NO idea how she designed today for Lily's birthday) and apparently Lily had ZERO presents ready for the occasion. We would have to stop in the museum gift shop and buy something for Lily!
 Thankfully, Kaity picked out a rather small object and only $3.99! When we returned to my house, we ate our dinner, played with our indoor ball, and then we put a candle in Lily's birthday cake, sang her "Happy Birthday" and each had a little slice of Lily's cake. 
 Kaity and I also had a Bible story. We learned about the kindness of a young girl for her Master and the beautiful miracle God worked on his behalf. It was a good story time!

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