Wednesday, October 23, 2019

This little love ...

Monday, October 21:  It was a typical Monday around here. Aidan Paul graced the Beach House with his happy little presence, and all was well. Don't you love his little rear end sticking up in the picture below? He was getting a better view of his Thomas train traveling the tracks.

 Every week, we build an elaborate layout together--it's not always a perfect design, but it pleases his little heart to pieces every time. Cranky the crane is always included, as well as our mountain tunnel and draw bridge, lighthouse and boat.

I'm the lucky grandma who gets to be with this dear little soul for about four hours, one-on-one, every week. I treasure this time with him very much.
Matey is loved by this small person (who enjoys life hugely) ... 

 Aidan went back and forth between Matey and Thomas & trains all afternoon.
 Aidan gets very comfortable here at the Beach House. I love to watch him play.

 Matey has been out of his cage for almost two weeks now. He is getting more and more brave about how far he wanders from his dear little bird house.

 Aidan and Matey played a little bit of tug-o-war using a Q-tip, which cracked Aidan up (naturally).

Ah ... Aidan Paul ... you are a dear little love of a boy.

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