Thursday Evening: After a bit of a mix-up as to what time Kaity had to be at school for the performance and the actual TIME of the performance, everything turned out A-OK. Kaity arrived on-time at 5:30, and both Kenzie and Harper came along for the performance. We saved a seat for Jesse, and he arrived on time too! I took a bunch of pictures of the show, so here goes:
"I Need a Christmas Vacation" is a play about kids getting snowed in AT SCHOOL and missing their Christmas break at home with family and presents. Also introduced to the story is "Whoville" and "the Grinch"--which is where the whole snow storm comes from because ... we all know that the Grinch HATES Christmas ...
Kaity was pretty excited about doing the show. She did express that she was quite nervous about it, but I knew she would do just fine--and she DID.She sang enthusiastically and knew all of the lyrics.
Mrs. Stein's class played keyboards to "Jingle Bells."
Kaity practiced for this (a little bit) at my house on my piano!
Here is Kaity doing the one speaking part she had: "Let's GO!" Except I missed a photo of when she was actually at the microphone.
This was quite a production! There were costume changes, tons of songs, quite a few solos (well done, too!) and a lot of cool dancing too.
More pictures on next post ...
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