Tuesday, October 3, 2023

September 30 Post-Game Photos

Saturday Afternoon:  We met up with Chris after the game to congratulate him, spend a little time with him, and take photos. Diana wanted me to be sure to get some family pictures, so I tried to do that. Here they are:

Kaity is wearing her new UO cap, which is a little bit large for her--but she is okay with it. Olivet became a "University" in late spring, so every shirt/cap/jacket, etc. that had Olivet College on it is now defunct! Even their "cheers" during the game had to change to accommodate the new name.
I love you, Matthew! Sorry about snapping all of these spontaneous pictures of you with the sun right in your eyes, etc. I rarely get to spend time with Matt and I miss him! I see Kaity twice every week (almost without fail), but not Matt anymore. He is grown up now. Perhaps I should take him out to lunch every now and then so that I can BE with him.
Here is Jesse wearing the shirt Diana got for him. How super kind of her! This is a nice picture of you, Jesse!
We finally connected with Christopher--so nice to see him up close and not through the lens of a camera.

I love these pictures of you, Chris!
Chris called over a teammate and buddy of his--I believe his name is Jayden (but I'm probably wrong) and they posed for a bunch of pictures.

Handsome fellows!

I should have suggested a different place for these photos to be taken. The sun was behind me -- so that part was good, at least from my camera's perspective -- but it was difficult for people being photographed because the sun was directly in their eyes, which you can see noted on their faces.

This was the best I could do under the circumstances.

Jesse snapped the one below. I had my shades on, so I wasn't uncomfortable looking at the camera. See Jesse's shadow?
We visited with Chris for awhile and Jesse gave Chris a heat gun so that he can use it for decaling helmets and cars, etc. He seemed very pleased about that.

We finally left Olivet, taking back roads on the return to Grand Rapids--the highways were too annoying with all of the construction going on. We actually got to see TWO TRAINS on one track--I'm not sure I've ever witnessed this before--I'm sure it's common enough, but I've never been stopped at a track with TWO trains that I can remember. It was cool.

Thankful to Jesse for driving us down to Olivet. Their next home game is in three weeks, and it is their Homecoming. I plan to be there!

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