Saturday: Kelly has been WAY out of town all week due to her job training/convention/continuing education (all I really know is that it had something to do with her job), and Dylan's friend Aric passed away three weeks ago and today was the memorial service for him and Dylan certainly needed to be present for that to deliver a eulogy ... so I was asked if I could come over for a few hours to take care of these little ones. Brendan went to the memorial with Dylan, so that left me with just the three younger kids.
I took a few pictures of our time together: We started out with a little snack, and then moved outside to the backyard to do some art and fold paper airplanes.
Aidan is very exacting about his artwork--with very definite ideas and desired outcomes--but he does okay when something doesn't turn out exactly right and just makes "allowances" for the end result. I think that's a healthy way to deal with artistic disappointment, don't you? Erin is a much less intense artist, but enjoys herself in her expression--but wants assistance so that the outcome is more pleasing to her. Cal doesn't seem to care one way or the other--he just likes making marks on paper (or walls, or tables, or just about any surface available--yikes) ... not untypical of most 3-year-olds with a marker or pen in hand.
We decided, kind of on a whim, to drive over to Cascade Township Park, to climb and play for awhile. I naturally got mixed up on the directions (!!!), so it took a little longer getting there than I had hoped; but the kiddos are used to being "lost" while I am driving. Aidan takes it upon himself to read every road sign available, so I join in and read street signs with him. He loves funny names of streets. The playground we were looking for was actually on NICK KIC street, which cracked Aidan up to pieces.
Aidan surprised me today! He actually was NOT afraid to climb high on this apparatus. He would never have done this last summer--not even close! Yay, Aidan!
Mr. Cal was far less daring than I imagined he would be (thankfully) and was content to just walk around and look at every little thing. He was even hesitant to slide down this small slide!
Cal remembered the sand box that was across the way a little distance, and we ended up spending the rest of our time digging in the dirt. A great activity. So satisfying!
Aidan finally joined us and did some digging as well. I love to dig in the dirt, don't you?
We found an abandoned cup and the kids made "castles" out of it.
I love this little guy! He is a challenge and a half at times--but when he lets down his guard, he is just a normal six-year-old boy that does the usual activities expected at his age. I'm always relieved to see it. Aidan is unusually bright (as are all of Dylan and Kelly's brood--but Aidan is especially acute)--sometimes I think it is easier to be just average in intelligence (like me)--because life is less complicated that way.
Dear Erin was very social (always), talked readily with complete strangers (her age) and made a very nice castle too. Cal wants to knock it down--kick the living daylights out of it--but he was restrained from doing so. We talked about being kind to others and not wrecking things that other people make--Cal doesn't like people messing with HIS stuff either, so he seemed to "get it" as we talked about it.
Erin placed a tiny stick at the top of her castle ...
I prayed a lot about our day before arriving at the house. I find that I get overwhelmed with multiple kiddos talking at once, all wanting my undivided attention--I feel a panic that grows inside me--like I am not going to be able to handle the stress, etc. I talked to Jesus about this and He was very good and kind to be with me all of the hours I was there--it was like He was standing right next to me, helping me be a better listener and telling me not to be afraid. I really appreciate this, Lord.
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