Monday, August 7, 2023

August 4 Reed's Lake

Friday Night:  Having nothing much on our schedule (!!) for tonight, we decided to drive over to Reed's Lake with our lawn chairs and sit awhile. I was surprised that it wasn't jammed-packed crowded--it was actually very relaxing and quite peaceful. Here are a few pictures:

It had been quite a hot day--but a nice breeze was blowing and we just sat and talked and watched people go by ... and children playing.
The ducks were not one bit intimidated by people; they must be used to being fed here.

It's a super pretty place. I think we will probably return here some more evenings when we just want to "get out of town" for awhile! I didn't take any pictures of my sister or Terry--I always hesitate taking pictures of people for fear they really do NOT want their photo taken. They probably wouldn't have minded at all, and it sure would have made the pictures a bit more ... personal! Jeeps.

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