Saturday, March 2, 2024

February 29 LEAP DAY

Thursday:  We only get one of these every four years--Leap Day, that is--hence the title of this post, which has nothing whatsoever to do with Leap Year or Day or anything!

Kaity was here today. There was nothing UNusual about her visit this afternoon. We mostly worked on our latest puzzle. Look at the progress that was made with Kaity's help!

I always pleased when Kaity joins in an activity around here. It's nice to have her "with" me instead of just on her phone. She is very good at finding the right puzzle piece and is a little bit amazed that it takes me soooooooo long. I'm OLD!

We did go to Altitude this evening too. Most of Kaity's "regular" friends were there (except NOT Alex or Allen). We were one of the last ones to arrive. They were already in the middle of a rather INTENSE game of TAG. Didn't we say that TAG is not allowed at Altitude? Yikes. I wasn't sure how to pull Kaity out of a game with all of her friends; so I did what I usually do in a rather uncomfortable situation. I did NOTHING. I'm not proud of it; I'm just telling the truth. I watched all of these guys carefully to try to figure out the LURE of this tag game of theirs. They are SO rough with each other. And they run SO fast. Kaity, Ayden AND Blueberry all suffered minor injuries tonight: Kaity received a rather nasty scratch on her inner arm; Blueberry got "winded" and laid on the floor near one of the platforms for 5 solid minutes; and Ayden got his toe injured some how. Sigh. I need to figure out how to put an end to this very blatant breaking of rules at Altitude. When I go on their website, TAG is clearly prohibited. Watching these guys play it tonight really showed me exactly WHY it is against their rules. Chasing someone to tag them IT requires a lot of speed and intensity. No one wants to be it! So the person being chased is running as fast as they can, and the person in pursuit is running as fast as THEY can (and these guys run fast!). 

So ... back to the thinking room about all of this. What do I do if Kaity arrives in the MIDDLE of a fun games of Tag? It's one thing to be the instigator; it's quite another to be a participant, when friends are begging you to play. Any ideas?

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