Tuesday: I got to be with KT today! Even overnight! Jesse is away for a few days, and rather than Kaity spending extra days over at her mom's, and also rather than actually spending the night at MY place, we decided it would be easier for Kaity if she just spent the night over at Jesse's ... with me. Where did I sleep you might ask? Well ... we'll get to that later.
I picked Kaity up from Diana at 6pm. I TRIED going inside the house to get her; but their dog LUNA has grown a great deal and her bark is HUGE. I just can't make myself walk through the door with a very large, very loud, barking (and jumping) dog. So ... I let Kaity know I was waiting out in the car.
We had a little bit of time to "kill" before going to Altitude. Kaity had already eaten dinner with her mom, so we stopped at Marshall's to do a little shopping. It's right on the way to Altitude! Kaity was looking for a birthday present for her friend's party this Friday night. We did not have any success purchasing something for her friend; but I did find a sale on my favorite kind of slippers and then we wandered in the toy department briefly and I was so excited to find a package of TWO marble cars for what I paid for just ONE a year ago. So, naturally, I bought them. The original one I bought was from Meijer Garden's Gift shop and it was for wee Cal's 3rd birthday. He informed me the other day that one of its wheels had "fallen off" and was quite dismal about it. I can't wait to show him these ones!
We finally made it over to Altitude. I've never been there on a Tuesday night before. Kaity is a regular Tuesday, Thursday, sometimes Friday, Sunday, and Monday Altitude person. Some of Kaity's friends were there. I took a few snapshots of them.
These first 2 pictures demonstrate my Kaity's typical abuse of her knees. She complains often of knee pain--and I don't doubt that her knees hurt one single bit--but look at her! She leaps off a 4' embankment and crashes to the mats below. Sometimes, she does this maneuver with her knees FIRST--which means, they absorb all the impact of the fall. She will do this over and over again! And she wonders WHY her knees hurt? Yikes.Kenzie couldn't make it tonight; but Harper was there. Ayden and a new kid were doing the usual dramatic wrestling matches (much of it fake--but sometimes it's hard to tell!). Kaity and Harper were watching without much alarm.
Ayden should be in theatre. He is crazy-good at acting out injuries, death, murder, escape, terror, etc.
Here he is pretending to be dead ...
Kaity and Harper don't even pay any attention to it anymore! Oh my.
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