Friday, July 12, 2024

July 10 A busy day

Wednesday:  We had a fun and busy day today over at my house and then back at the Pahman house too. These kids were full of energy and are always fun to be with.

The younger kids have enjoyed this treehouse for years and years. They come up with all kinds of stories involving the grizzly mama and her cub, the children and bedtime, the snake and fish, and especially the eagle! They pretend constantly with this toy and it's really fun to listen to.

Brendan has gotten too grown up for that kind of play--although he still appreciates a well-made toy. He enjoys drawing characters from video games, or just grabs an Ed Emberley book and attempts one of the drawings there. 

Aidan was kind of into playing by himself today. He went into the playroom and got all the alphabet robots lined up on our blue painter's tape roadway and was very content.

Cal and I played a game of Snakes and Ladders. Cal won! He was very pleased. He used mama grizzly as his character to move on the board. This is a large puzzle, actually, that needs to be assembled before the game can be played. I've had it for years.
Erin had fun with some paper punches I got out of my art cupboard. She really enjoyed this!
Cal played for quite awhile with our trains ... Aidan did too, but I didn't get any pictures of him while he was playing.
I had gotten a bottle of root beer to make root beer floats for Kaity and Gabe last Saturday, but they turned it down! So I offered floats to these guys ... and they were 100% IN. Yes!
Brendan said this was his SECOND float ever ...
Aidan said he had never had a float before, but he liked it very much!
Cal would eat an old boot if it had ice cream on it! 
And Erin drank hers right down to the bottom. They had all eaten a very good lunch about two hours prior to this; so this was just a special treat.

I read "Klinger" to them this afternoon. This is one of the first books my niece, Shelley, illustrated that made it BIG. The illustrations are beautiful, and it's a lovely story. The four older kids were not quite listening as I read (because they were still doing art work); but Cal got real close and listened carefully--he was very interested in what happened to the horses and people. 

We didn't get back to the Pahman house until nearly 4:30. Cal had fallen asleep in the car, so I let him rest for another 20 minutes or so and then talked him into coming into the house--it was super difficult to wake him up--he was exhausted! But he walked in the house on his own accord, thankfully, because I really should not be carrying him. 

I brought watermelon and cantaloupe in a little cooler over to their house just in case the kiddos got hungry before dinner time. These guys all enjoy fruit, so that's good! 

I loved being with you today Brendan, Aidan, Erin and Cal!

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