Friday, July 12, 2024

July 11 Sweet KT

Thursday:  Kaity and I drove her dad to the airport today at 1:30--he's headed to Montana once again to visit his Megan. The last time he went, he took Kaity with him and she was able to meet Megan and her kids. Kaity especially enjoyed being with Adam, Megan's oldest son. They hung out together and had a good time; so Kaity (naturally) wanted to travel with Jesse again--but flying costs are pretty high and it's just not possible to take Kaity every month that he travels there.

I was sad for Kaity, but I also glad she didn't sink into a deep sadness. We had a nice time together today doing pretty much ... nothing. I asked her if she wanted to go out to Deer Tracks and walk around and see the animals--did she want to bring Kenzie too? But no. Kaity did not want to do that at all. We settled for just staying at my place, eating our usual stuff, and playing a lot of UNO. We played eight games! Kaity won 5, right off the bat! I did win 3 games--but Kaity is hard to beat!

I didn't take even ONE picture of Kaity today--so this picture is from about a week ago when just Kaity and I went over to the park to take a little walk. Her mom is giving her a very special birthday party Monday. Kaity has invited 6 or 7 of her favorite friends to go swimming at a public pool, jumping at Altitude, and I forget what else--she was telling me all about it today. This is a party just for friends--not family--I hope Diana takes lots of pictures of the fun!

I love you so much, Kaity. You are very dear to your grandma's heart.

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