Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 6 The Park with Gabe

Saturday Evening:  We drove over to Dwight Lydel Park from my house and arrived right around 6:15. We agreed to have Gabe back to Jesse before 7:00 so he and Kaity could drive Gabe back to his house--so this was perfect. After arriving at the park and watching these two climb and run and have such a good time, I regretted not coming earlier. We'll just have to do it again some time. 

I have another TON of pictures to post, so here they are:

Frustrating! They loaded in reverse order ... and I am NOT going to try to fix that right now. Anyway, we didn't start out at the creek ... but here is Gabe crossing the creek on the OUTSIDE of the bridge ...

... with Kaity kind of fretting as she watched him ...

The picture below is Gabe contemplating crossing the bridge over the water on the outside--and you can see that he did it!

We actually started out on the climbing stuff. I used to climb these too--yes, I did! That's before my hip got so painful. But I did manage to get to the tippy top, although I did not stand up! This is a very cool climbing apparatus.
Dear Kaity, watching with a bit of worry on her face ...

But she climbed on it too. A few years ago, she used to climb like a little monkey on everything there was!
It would be very fun to have one of these in my back yard ... but since I don't really HAVE a back yard, it's not possible ...

The climbing wall is fun too. Kaity did not seem to remember how fast she used to climb this thing.

Gabe is also a very good climber. He loves heights. Me too! 

They went back and forth from the wall to the "dome" and had a lot of fun.

I love these pictures of Kaity and her friend, Gabe. I hope Kaity always has lots of friends. I think Gabe is very special too, Kaity. What a nice person he is!

Oh! I almost forgot this picture--Gabe spotted a faint trail through the brush and high grass and went racing down it. Kaity followed behind--they are both fast runners. I did NOT follow because I can't run worth squat! Anyway, when they came back to me, Kaity was holding a small bouquet of wild flowers with a very beautiful smile on her face ...

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