Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 24 Games!

Wednesday:  I picked the boys up from Allison this morning at 11:30 and then we drove back to their house to be there for Erin's bus. Brendan was reading a library book--one of those Japanese animated stories that read from right to left--and he was reading it with a very loud voice in the car as he turned the pages of this "backward" book. First of all, the story wasn't very interesting to me--but rather than be super annoyed by everything about it, I began to ask questions--and one thing led to the next, and pretty soon we were all laughing about the absurdity of the storyline. I mean REALLY laughing (including Aidan and Cal). So we passed a pleasant ride to their house!

Erin came off the bus and we packed up my car with the four kiddos and drove over to my house. This car ride was made pleasant due to the fact that Aidan had picked up a little zipper pouch filled with dice inside--all kinds--big, little, colored, "story dice", etc. Erin really badly wanted to hold a few of them, but Aidan would not hear of it; instead, he took out a story dice and started talking about it. I asked him to describe the first picture and then we all began telling a very crazy story based on the picture that was "rolled" on the die. We had a lot of fun with it and got more and more ridiculous as the story went on. It's very fun to laugh with these guys. They have good imaginations and love a good story. 

Once we were here at my house we ate lunch (as usual) and then proceeded to play. Aidan was wondering if I would play a game of Chess with him; so naturally, I did! I wasn't prepared for how decent a chess player he is! He played two very good games, losing only by a play or two. Interestingly, he was not upset about the losses one bit--I think the very joy of playing an intricate game like Chess was all Aidan was looking for. Brendan too! He and I played only one Chess game, which I won by a narrow margin. Again, he was just pleased to play and plot and learn some moves as well. I'm not a very challenging chess player, believe me; but at least I know enough about the game to play it, and I do enjoy it. I did give "hints" while we played, i.e.: "Are you sure you want to make that move? Are any of your guys in danger if you do that? Etc." I found both Aidan and Brendan very receptive to taking a second look at their situation and altering their move--however, they allowed me no such mercy in return!!! Ha!

Here is small Cal looking at a Paw Patrol book. He loves looking at books and hearing them read aloud.

Look at that little face on him--he is the dearest little one!
Erin wanted to know what was inside the interesting "suitcases" on my bookshelf--she had forgotten that our sock puppets sleep there--so we got them out and played for a little while.
Aidan declared he was very hungry about 45 minutes after lunch and decided Cheesy chips were just the thing he needed.
Here is Cal playing with "Hammy", our rubber pig that snorts if he is squeezed. Cal likes him a lot.
Erin and Cal play quite well together with just the typical small spats over who is bossing who around, etc.
Doesn't Erin have such a great smile?
Brendan got this Great Wolf Lodge puzzle off the shelf and assembled it ...
We talked for a little bit about his 7th birthday party that I got to go to up at the Lodge with their family.
Here are Aidan and I playing Chess ... with little Cal watching the game ...
Look at the wheels turning in Aidan's brain ...
Erin! Look at her adorable freckles and beautiful little face. And Brendan! Could any child melt my heart like he does?
After playing for about 3 hours, I turned on a "Minion" movie for the kids while I did some picking up around the house, getting us ready to drive back to their house. We had an unremarkable ride back to their house, making up more ridiculous stories as I drove.

Aidan begged me for another Chess game on HIS Chess board when we got to his house. There were a few obstacles to overcome because "some of my pieces are missing" Aidan informed me. I asked him what then? "Oh--we just grab stuff and use them as substitutes"  he nonchalantly answered. SO ... One of Aidan's Minecraft guys sat in as one of his Knights, and a handy little triceratops filled in as a Pawn. On my side of the board, a very cool DOG pretended to be one of MY Knights, and then an ELEPHANT filled in as one of my bishops. Jeeps. My almost 71-year-old brain struggled with remembering just WHO was WHO! It was an absolute SNAP for Aidan.

When our Chess game was over, Erin challenged me to a game of Chutes and Ladders! I told her I would play it if she would kindly pick up all of the Dominoes she had scattered hither and yon across the floor for no reason whatsoever. She was quite reluctant about putting them away stating that she "might need them later." I pointed to the box they came in and told her she would have zero problems whatsoever in locating them if they were where they belonged. She finally agreed (I did assist).

I can't remember a nicer time I've had with these kiddos. So thankful God gave me strength for this day, and rewarded me by giving me such a fun time with all of the kids. I am a very blessed grandma indeed! 

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