Monday, May 20, 2024

May 16 with KT

Thursday:  I ate something yesterday that upset my stomach--at least I think it was food that caused it; anyway, whatever it was--I still couldn't eat very much today without negative results. Consequently, I didn't feel very strong physically today--just kind of weak and tired. I drove over to Jesse's to pick up Kaity rather reluctantly--because truthfully, I would have been better off to just stay here and rest. However, I really don't like missing out on Kaity-time, and she is old enough now to where she is pretty understanding of my limitations. We ended up doing just fine together--even though I ended up taking her home early because I didn't feel well.

We hung out around my place for a little bit--Kaity ate some fruit I had cut up, and we just visited for a little bit. We drove over to Altitude earlier than usual tonight, arriving around 6:00. None of Kaity's friends could come and jump tonight, so she played with some "new" kids. 

Saturday, we are invited to Harper's party. I will have TWO birthday parties that day--little Cal's 4th birthday party, and Harper's 9th. Looking forward to feeling better and seeing Kaity on Saturday.

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