Saturday, October 12, 2024

November 11 Schwallier's Country Basket

Friday:  I picked Sir Callaghan up from Dylan today at 11:30. We headed on over to Schwallier's Country Basket to explore and play for awhile. Schwallier's is such a nice place. They open up their orchard during the autumn for hayrides, a little petting zoo, a fun playground, and a really nice bakery/gift shop. I took tons of pictures of Cal! He had so much fun.

Just outside the goat area, there is a great tube slide (two storie's high!)--Cal did great on this. I wasn't sure he would like it, but there were lots and lots of little kids sliding on it and no one got hurt.

There was a corn bin with trucks and shovels ...

Cal enjoyed the water and the rubber ducks ...

And the small playground was very nice too. Cal likes to dig in the dirt, even if he doesn't have a shovel!

Here he is swinging like Superman ...

There was a little two-storied playhouse that Cal spent a lot of time in. He also met a little friend by the name of Finn and they hung around together for a long time.
We also took a ride on the 12-car "train", but I'll show you that in the next post.

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