Wednesday, October 2, 2024

September 26 with KT

Thursday:  I took ZERO pictures of my time with Kaity today!!! How did I ever let that happen?!?!?!

AND since I am "blogging" this occasion almost seven days later, I can't remember what we did exactly--except Kaity was not sleepy today, which was a good thing. She was very talkative and fun to be with. I don't think we even played a game of UNO. Shocking.

We DID go to Altitude though. Our friend, Ayden, was there and was his usual hilarious self. Kaity and he enjoy each other and have so much fun playing together. Ayden really is a very unique kiddo--he is two years younger than Kaity; but he is actually very mature for his age. He is a natural comedian as well as "actor" ... he really should go into theatre some day!

I remember also that Kenzie and Harper were at Altitude and that we ended up bringing them back to their house after our jumping was finished--but no pictures today, so ... pooh. 

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