Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 11 More ...

Friday (continued):  After the car/train, Cal slid down the tube slide a few more times . . .

. . ., and then we visited the goats. We purchased our $1 cup of "grain" for the goats ... but as soon as we entered their pen, Cal was overcome by three rather large goats who took the cup of grain right from his hand, which then dropped to the ground, where they consumed it in a heartbeat. Cal thought it was pretty funny.

Cal was very tender with the little goats ...

We washed our hands thoroughly after our goat encounter and then went inside the country store and purchased some gummy bears and an apple cider drink for Cal (in his very own pumpkin cup).

We sang in the car all the way to my house where we ate lunch at about 2:00, watched the birds, read a few stories, played basketball on my door hoop, chased each other around, and then Cal settled down to watch a 20 minute program while I picked up toys ...
We played with our Sunny puppet too for a little while.
I had a sleepy little Callaghan in the car on the way to his house this afternoon. I finally woke him up after we had been in their driveway for about 15 minutes. The kiddos came home on their bus, ate some snacks, and then everyone decided to play outside for awhile. It was such a nice weather day.
Brendan is getting good at shooting hoops ...
And, of course, so is Cal; however, his hoop is considerably shorter, and he shoots at a rather short distance ... but such facial expressions!
And enthusiasm!
I failed to take a picture of Aidan this afternoon. He played outside for awhile too, riding his bike and playing with neighbor kids. Erin hung out with me for a little while--but she was also busy playing with neighbors outside.
Here is Erin singing a little song for me--she has a very strong voice, and very good pitch too. All of these Pahman kiddos are musical. What a gift and a blessing!

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