Monday, October 7, 2024

September 29 Grand Haven

Sunday afternoon:  We went to church this morning, had lunch with Ruthanne and Terry over at The Score, and then since the day was completely and perfectly beautiful, David INSISTED (!!) that we drive out to Grand Haven and enjoy the rest of our day. Yes, yes, YES!!

It was not overly crowded out on the pier today, which is always a plus.
This is only the second time I have been to the Lake this summer--the first time, I was there with David too--just a few weeks ago!

Grand Haven goes way back in our history--both David and I love this place. It's on our "Happy Place" list, for sure.

We drove across to the North Shore to view the sunset. We walked to the end of that pier as well and then just sat down and took it all in.

We watched the sun sink down, down, down ... and felt the temperature get COLD quite fast afterwards!
It was such a lovely time walking and talking with my brother tonight. He wonders why I don't come out here more often--and I would--but it's a bit lonely all by myself. I wasn't one bit lonely tonight with David. How blessed I am to have such a dear brother.

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