Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 10 with Kaity-kins

Thursday:  I haven't seen Kaity in an entire week because my brother was here from Florida and last Saturday was his LAST day to be here--so I cancelled Kaity's Saturday afternoon (which I rarely ever do) to spend some extra time with David. Kaity went to Chris's football game at Olivet (where I would have been also had it not been for my brother's visit)--and Olivet WON big time! Yay.

I picked up a few games while at the toy store out in Grand Haven this week. I can't trust myself to go back inside that store for anything! I spent money that I really should NOT have last week; however, in my defense, I did put back a darling puppet that I really really wanted. Anyway, I tried out the new stuff on Kaity tonight.

Kaity beat me three games in a row in "Battle Box"--she was quite good at this! 

We also played with the new trampoline pong set-up and we did quite well. We just volleyed back and forth; but didn't try any tricky shots with each other. We just tried to get the feel of how wide and long the "table" was for future game purposes.

Kaity was very fun to be with tonight. She seemed happy and was quite talkative. We drove over to Altitude and brought Kenzie with us. Kaity and Kenzie have lots of friends over at Altitude, so there were lots of different "games" going on between all of them. 
Kaity is growing up so fast! She looks so much older than TWELVE in these pictures--more like 14. I am super glad Kaity doesn't mind being tall. I never liked it at all! Kaity would really like it very much if she grew to be 5'10"! She is a very good trampoline jumper! She was showing me some "new" skills tonight. She is naturally athletic, and has always loved to run; so this is a good place for her. What a nice deal to have a membership at this super convenient location. 

When I was picking Kaity up this afternoon, their neighbor was following us up the street and Scott noticed that my brake lights were essentially OUT. I am very thankful he saw this so that I could get them repaired before tomorrow (I do a lot of driving on Fridays). Thanks, Lord, that Scott was able to notify me about my brake lights tonight!

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