Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October 3 KT meets David

Thursday:  David worked his regular job today until 1:00, at which time we enjoyed a nice lunch together before David returned to his re-vamping of my little house. David is incredibly hard-working. We went back to Menard's and purchased more cement edging blocks and David "trimmed" my back patio (by the shed). It turned out super nice. He also finished up a bunch of other "odd" tasks like doors that wouldn't close correctly, etc. 

I picked Kaity up from Jesse at 4:00 and brought her over here (as usual). This was the first time ever that Kaity met her "great" Uncle David. I wasn't worried about how it would go with Kaity--mostly because David is so good with people of all ages, he used to administer entire schools, and is super fun to be with. We ate a good dinner together and then we took Kaity over to Altitude. Her good friend, Ayden, was there too.

Kaity and Ayden like to wrestle each other. They are quite intense about it too. I've tried to re-direct their energies to JUMPING (since this IS a trampoline park) instead of wrestling--but they actually do a lot of each. So far, they haven't permanently injured each other. !!!

They enjoyed a fun hour hanging out together. Kaity has a lot of good friends, and I am very thankful for that.
David and I did a lot of sitting, talking, and laughing at all of the antics that were surrounding us. It was a good time, though!
Thank you to David for hanging out with us tonight. As we were bringing Kaity to Diana, we were able to say "Hi" to Matthew for a minute too--which was a very nice bonus. I introduced Matthew and David to each other. We didn't stay long because we were quite exhausted from our busy day--but I am glad Matt and David got to meet each other.

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