Sunday, March 13, 2022

March 10 Table top football

Thursday:  KT and I played a LOT of table-top football this evening. You would think I'd have taken at least ONE picture of the game(s), but I didn't! I completely forgot about my camera until the last 10 minutes KT was here. Since I am still not feeling very good, I needed something interesting for KT and I to do--so I looked on my toy shelves and found an old KLUTZ game of table top football that I had purchased for Dylan when he was in high school--and it somehow ended up back here. I am pretty sure Dylan never played it--it's not that great of a game! However, since KT likes all things competitive and physically active, I KNEW she would appreciate it. It was easy to spend time with KT this way, laughing and flicking this little triangular football across my wooden table top. 

We also played ping pong in the hallway for a little while, like we did last week. KT just really likes to keep moving! I was thankful I was given enough energy to almost keep up with her tonight. Here are a few random snapshots of our KT-girl from tonight ...

Kaity is regrettably to the point where she is NOT liking to have her picture taken. Rats. She makes huge efforts to bomb every picture I take of her. That's OK, Kaity-girl. This too will pass.
I love you, dear Kaity.

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