Friday, March 4, 2022

March 1 Baby Bagliavano?!

Tuesday:  The kiddos were here today and we had such fun. I've been holding off posting for days because I have a nasty head cold which has completely knocked me off my feet. I only have a few pictures from Tuesday. Hopefully I will be able to remember all the stuff we did ...

Naturally, Aidan set right to work on another book. He's a pretty intense little kid--look at his concentration.
Erin made sounds on the piano and sang for awhile ...
Brendan read all of the library books I checked out the past two weeks.
As Aidan was writing his book, Erin decided SHE wanted to write a book too. Kaity and I had made a little book about Paco and his cousin, Ramone, on Thursday; so Erin decided that another book about Paco and Ramone would be good. 
Since I was making this book with Erin, I neglected to take any pictures of it. Erin did the story line and instructed me in the illustrations. She took the book home to show her mom and dad. The gist of the story was: Paco and Ramone needed to go shopping at a Toy store for their baby moose ("What should we name the baby moose, Erin?" I asked. "Bagliavano" answered Erin, without hesitation, and with a little twinkle in her eye!) We drew the two pigs, a shopping cart and baby Bagliavano inside the cart looking out at the shelves of toys. The baby wanted to have a new ball. Erin decided the ball should be colored like a rainbow. Aidan chimed in the rainbow colors in exact order ... and we colored as directed. We put the rainbow ball in the cart and NOW baby Bogliavano wanted a "jumpowene" (trampoline), so I managed to draw a big box with a trampoline on it. We put that inside the cart too. Paco and Ramone took turns pushing the cart and arguing about whose turn it was, etc. That was the whole story! Erin was completely thrilled and halfway through Aidan's OWN book, he switched and decided to do a shopping story of his own. He did not get his book finished but vowed to finish it next Tuesday.
We did a lot of reading, playing LEGOs, building, and we watched a few National Geographic Animal shows.

These three little kiddos are not difficult to entertain. They love to play and to build and to listen to stories. They are pretty non-stop, but that's okay!

We returned to their house at about 5:45 today and ate pizza. We played with Callaghan for awhile too. I neglected to get any pictures of Cal tonight, which is regrettable. He is cute and hugable and sweet! 

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