Monday, March 28, 2022

March 26 Pure JOY

Saturday, 3:30 - 7:00:  I left the "knotting" party and drove over to Dylan and Kelly's. You see, Dylan and Kelly are away (Dallas) until Sunday night (very late). Jen has been taking care of everyone in their absence. But it seems that dear Callaghan was just brokenhearted most of Friday at not being able to find his parents anywhere in the house. So the plan today was that I would come over for a few hours to try and be a distraction for these little loves. We had so much fun.

This is the new chair Kelly was able to purchase at a very reasonable price. The kiddos love it. I LOVE this picture of Aidan and Erin.
And look at this chunky marshmallow of a kiddo! Isn't he something?
Jen said Cal woke up this morning in a much better frame of mind! YAY! He is surrounded by siblings who love him and Jen is one of the nicest people I have ever met--she is quality through and through. No worries whatsoever when Jen is with the children.
Aidan was completely FULL OF IT the entire time I was there. He is such a blast. He loves to make faces at my camera. I've saved some of the funniest pictures for the next post.
!! This looks like a very happy baby!
Look at Cal looking at his hands. Aidan had been putting his hands over his own face so that I was blocked from taking his picture. Baby Cal is thinking about this ...
Look at this child's hair! There was a song about HAIR when I was in my teens ... I believe it was part of a musical entitled "HAIR!" I'll have to look up the words and play it for Aidan on Tuesday.

Isn't he a scream?
And ERIN ... what a complete love she is.

We tried to take some "selfies" but they did not turn out very well. Mostly because I look about 85 years old in the pictures and I refuse to post them! My neck! My wrinkles! OUCH.
Here are some of Brendan. I love these pictures of him.
Especially this one ... isn't he such a handsome child?
I love his smile so much ...
Miss Jen actually had the boldness to bathe the three little kids all at once in the upstairs tub. Brendan and I played a game of "Headbanz" while they were having their bath--but we could hear all that was going on in the bathroom. Miss Jen is AMAZING. All three kiddos got clean, had their hair washed, played in the water, and came out squeeky clean! Here is Erin with wet hair ...

Oh MY! Look how long Aidan's hair is when it is wet!
Erin with her sparkly tiarra ...

Just a few more ...

I brought three library books to read: "This Book is Red", "What About Worms?" and "The Chicken Who Couldn't". Everyone gathered around (even little Cal) and enjoyed them all. Miss Jen read a few books too--ones that Cal wanted her to read. She is an excellent reader. Hey--guess what? I found out that Miss Jen has begun teaching over at Marantha Bible Church in their Awana program! I told her that our Kaity attends. She is going to look for her on Wednesday and introduce herself. How cool is that?

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